Built Well™ For Birth

Live Event- Pre-Postnatal Coaching Certification- In Person- November 9th- Chicago, IL

$1,200.00 $620.00 Save 48%

Live Event- Pre-Postnatal Coaching Certification- November 9th- Chicago, IL

Hosted at Evolve Fitness. Led by Built Well for Birth Master Coach Sam Hagen and Founder Andrew Martinez. 9:30am-2pm.

The intent of the Built Well for Birth Pre-Postnatal Coaching Certification is to improve maternal health outcomes by empowering the fitness and health professional. The curriculum includes the most update to date principles in pre-postnatal functional exercise as well as medically supported labor and delivery training. 

Join us and our International Team of Built Well for Birth Coaches, as we support Strong Moms. 

It's like your own dedicated coach